Saturday, August 18, 2007

Toy Scares

So far, I've only identified one of Liv's toys as a part of the numerous recalls. Unfortunately, in trying to explain why I was taking away one of her Polly Pocket toys, I frightened her. She panicked, but is OK now, after we talked a bit more. I told her this might be a great Christmas for buying presents on Etsy and she agreed - homemade goodies not toxic to our precious little ones!

Here are some favorites; check out the awesome artisans who made them by clicking on the pics and peruse Etsy for even more!

Pink Pastel Sock Monkey

by BrightsIdea


by usnavyretiredvet

Pretty Girls - Turquoise / Grey Bag

by Feltland (I've already bought one of her dolls for Liv for Christmas - don't tell!)


by LaurenSmash

Journal- Hugmitten the Nightmare Snatcher (not a toy, but dang, he's cute!)

by SpiderBite

And there are SO many more. Go visit ETSY.COM and happy & safe shopping! ~Mic


Kat said...

Some great work there! Just today my husband and I were about to buy a toy for our little one and decided against it because we were worried. It's perfect timing that I ran across this and remembered that there are safe, original alternatives! Thanks :)

Michele said...

Thanks for reading my blog! Your site is awesome; nice to see my friend Liz's robot necklace on there!

Stephanie said...

I like the whale and the stuffed puppet. So cute. :]

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I can make the monkeys baby safe too by taking off the buttons and doing floss eyes!! Thank you Thank you for including me :O) Karen aka "brightsidea"

Precious Quilts said...

Fab work! Especially like the whale:)

Jenny said...

Great faves Mic and Liz!

I agree - this year will definitely be an Etsy Christmas for us too!! :)

Visit MJD Boutique on Etsy

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